Agricultural mechanization for sustainable food production in nigeria pdf

Sustainable agricultural mechanization home food and. Agricultural sustainability in northern nigeria wikipedia. Sustainable agricultural mechanization sam can be described as mechanization. Today, the debate on development of agricultural mechanization turns into the debate on. Pdf smallholder farmers are the main producers of the worlds food. Agricultural mechanization patterns in nigeria papers in the ssrn. In this respect, an agricultural mechanization policy would need effective targeting with regard to particular farming activities and types of farmers for which different forms of.

The usage of inorganic fertilizers was promoted by nigerian government in the 1970s. Pdf nigerias agriculture requires a very strong boost because of increasing. Sustainable agricultural mechanization the nairobi conference followup. Planters for manual use can be as simple as a pointed stick with a. Agricultural mechanization, a key to food security in.

The study adopted the use of a questionnaire and interview schedules, discussion and personal observation for primary data collection. Akinbamowo ondo state ministry of agriculture, akure, ondo state, nigeria. To embrace agricultural mechanization, one of the most important agricultural. There was a sharp decline in export crop production, while food production increased only marginally. Pdf sustainable agricultural mechanization for smallholders. To achieve this objective, the central bank of nigeria cbn stipulated preferential lending rates for agricultural activities with the farmers enjoying the lower interest rate 14. Nigeria and the potential demand for mechanization services among farmers. Despite its rural roots, the urban population is disconnected from food production and relies on the market for food supplies, whether domestically produced or imported.

She also participates in financial management training. This background paper looks at agricultural development and mechanization with a particular focus on west africa. Mechanization is required not only for crop production, but also for processing and. The four phases of africas agricultural mechanization evolution figure 6. One of the key development paradigms for longterm increased agricultural production in ssa is sustainable agricultural mechanization sam. Mechanization provides opportunities for intensifying production in a sustainable manner, value addition and food systems development, and improved local economies and livelihoods. Agriculture mechanization in nigeria abstract survey was undertake to assess the anambra state tractor hiring company.

Nigeria s urban population has outstripped the rural population. Agricultural sustainability in northern nigeria requires flexibility in both ecological management as well as economic activity. Mechanization is required not only for crop production, but also for. Sustainable agricultural mechanization food and agriculture. Private sector driven agricultural mechanization programme psdamp in nigeria. Sustainable agricultural mechanization for smallholders mdpi. Nigerias population is rapidly increasing necessitating the need for increased food production. The majority of nigerias smallholder farmers are often too poor to employ modern tools, such as tractors and plows, even with substantial government support. The sector is being transformed by commercialization at the small, medium and largescale enterprise levels. Clarke, chief, agricultural engineering branch, agricultural support systems division fao, rome, italy february 2000 not e. Report consultative meeting on a mechanization strategy.

Agriculture improves food security in many ways, most fundamentally by increasing the amount of food but also by providing the means to purchase food. Agricultural production and economic growth in nigeria. We carry out a wide range of projects to support agriculture and the rural communities in nigeria. Agricultural policy for nigeria food and agriculture.

Precision agriculture is an agricultural mechanization method which depends strongly on electronics, its and communications, and also requires technical skill and manpower for plant and animal production that are sitespecific and animalspecific respectively asoegwu, 2007. Agriculture in nigeria is a branch of the economy in nigeria, providing employment for about 30% of the population as of 2010. Agricultural mechanization in nigeria linkedin slideshare. It is often believed that the drudgery of manual agricultural. Verma 2008, in research on the impact of agricultural mechanization on production, productivity, cropping intensity, income generation and employment of labour in india, found. Background the large potential for agricultural production in subsaharan africa ssa has still not been realized. This broad meaning includes production, distribution and utilization of a variety of tools, machinery and equipment for the development of agricultural land, planting, harvesting and primary processing 3, 15, 19, 25. Through growth in agricultural productivity and higher farm profits, the rural poor can generate additional income to purchase more food, including more diverse kinds of food. Aggarwals words, farm mechanization is a term used in a very broad sense. Nigeria s mechanization landscape the importance of. New models for sustainable agricultural mechanization in subsaharan africa 1. Strategies for agricultural mechanization development the roles of the private sector and the government l. Effects of agricultural mechanization on economies of. Food insecurity challenges and sustainable agricultural.

Factors limiting smallscale farmers access and use of. As a result, more emphasis are laid on higher productivity which demand for greater agricultural. Mechanization, along with other farm inputs such as fertilizers, improved seeds and pesticides, can significantly improve agricultural productivity in rwanda. This paper highlights the impact of musculoskeletal disordersinjuries on the agricultural sector, and the benefits of the application of ergonomics on sustainable agricultural development in nigeria. Background paper agricultural mechanization african. Hence, for nigeria to develop her agricultural sector and be relatively self sufficient in food production, agricultural mechanization remains one of the best options if not the only option. History of agriculture in nigeria agriculture nigeria. Agricultural mechanization may also be defined as the introduction of tools, implements, machines, equipment and technology in the cultivation of farm lands and processing of food. Sustainable mechanization involves the application of different forms of power sources used in conjunction with appropriate tools, implements and machines to be able to do useful work in agricultural production and along the agrifood value chain. Through the narrow openings that weave in and around the potatoes, beans, sesame, banana, corn, yams and cassava on her farm in central nigeria, mwuese jato introduces her latest crop with particular pride. Making mechanization accessible to smallholder farmers in. Impact of agricultural mechanization on production and. Agriculture mechanization in nigeria agriculture project.

Problems and prospects of agricultural mechanization in. Agricultural mechanization and the smallholder farmers in. Nigerias urban population has outstripped the rural population. Agricultural production and economic growth in nigeria 211 quarterly journal of international agriculture 53 2014, no. Agricultural mechanization is the process whereby equipments, machineries and implements are utilized to boost agricultural and food production. Population growth leads to increased demand for food production and intensification of agricultural production. Innovation for sustainable agricultural growth in nigeria. Production of food, adequate in quantity and quality to meet the population growth. At current food production growth rates, nigeria remains unable to feed its population. It describes the evolution of agricultural mechanization and discusses the major drivers and issues, followed by a look ahead. A framework for africa vii sustainable agricultural mechanization can redeem africa from perpetual food insecurity. Food insecurity challenges and sustainable agricultural development in nigeria oida international journal of sustainable development, vol. Production of raw materials for local agro industries.

Rainfall occurs only seasonally and there is a pronounced dry season however, rainfall is often intensive when it does come, making it necessary for farmers to employ soil moisture conservation techniques. Agricultural mechanisation from a value chain perspective has been considered in policy considerations as far as the attainment of sustainable ricebased production systems in ghana is concerned. Empirical evidence is, however, scarce on how mechanization animal traction andor tractors affects other aspects of agricultural production like economies of scope eos. The role of ergonomics in sustainable agricultural. Specifically, the book is intended for users both inschool and outof. It not only includes the use of machines, whether mobile or immobile, small or large, run by. The challenges of agriculture and rural development in. Mechanization plays a vital role in enhancing sustainable food production, thereby boosting food security in nigeria as exemplified in various mechanized operations in the farm that has to do with. Agricultural mechanization in nigeria hiroyuki takeshima, research fellow, ifpri akeem lawal, national agricultural extension and research liaison services, ahmadubello university, zaria, nigeria international conference on southsouth knowledge sharing on agricultural mechanization addis ababa, ethiopia. Complete guide to agricultural product processing and storage. Agricultural mechanization today has a very broad meaning. Recognizing nigerias tremendous agricultural potentials, the government has accepted the view that the country should resolve to make agriculture the main source of living of the economy. Agricultural mechanization, precision agriculture, plant genetic improvements and other related practices are employed to optimize production of crops and cereals for. Furthermore, this analysis has not included the effect of sustainable agriculture on roots, tubers and plantains, which account for 40% of the total food supplies in calories for some 50% of the population of subsaharan africa, and are important staples in parts of latin america and the caribbean.

Global tractors in use by region 19612000 figure 4. Agricultural mechanization and agricultural transformation gaaap. The first is the introduction while the second aspect examines agricultural and food production policy in nigeria. A clear policy direction on agricultural engineering and mechanization. Cassava processing and marketing option for sustainable. Agricultural sector performance and nigerias economic growth. The views expressed in this paper do not necessarily reflect the official views of fao or its. Crs helps mwuese jato produce and sell a new variety of cassava plants. Agricultural mechanization in its broadest sense can contribute significantly to the sustainable development of food systems globally, as it. The selected value chains in nigeria are maize, rice, irish potato and cassava manioc. The african union commission auc and the food and agriculture organization of the united nations fao view agricultural mechanization in africa as an urgent matter and an indispensable. The survey seeks to aid food security, this is because food wastage and. The unit had a total of 15 tractors 10 disc ploughs, 6 disc harrow 6 discridgers, and 3 trailers, all in. Agricultural mechanization is the process of development and application of machines in the farming process.

Agriculture promotion policy the agriculture promotion policy 20162020 document, the green alternative is the outcome of an intensive consultative process starting in november 2015 through april 2016, and involving multiple stakeholders. It is the application of machineries, equipments and implements in the day to day farm activities to increase marginal output in food production and poverty eradication. Anecdotal evidence indicates labor costs for farming in nigeria are rising while levels. Nigerias food security challenges will grow with its population. Between 1970 and 1982, agricultural production stagnated at less than one percent annual growth rate, at a time when the population growth was between 2. Water supply for food crop production will be increased through the construction of irrigation structures, dams and boreholes in strategic food crop production zones cland supply this will be effected through appropriate land use and land resources strategies outlined in sections 2. Sustainability and profitability of agricultural production.

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